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Wrestling with FEAR?

Fear of disappointment?

Fear of failure?

Fear of unworthiness?

Fear of embarrassment?

Fear of HOW you will do “x”?

There is Fight, Flight, and Freezing in life. When we don’t include God in the mix, it’s very easy to forget that we aren’t the ones in control. God is, and will always be.

“But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls” (Hebrews 10:39)

We can make excuse upon excuse on why we should or shouldn’t do something. One of the biggest excuses: I have no time. Is that a fact? I bet it’s not. Rarely is it. We can have time management nailed down, but what we fail to include is energy level. So I believe, when most people say they have “no time,” they really are referring to having “no energy.” That energy gets sucked out of them from “Empty Soul Sources.”

Let’s unpack this.

  1. Write down why you feel you have no time.

  2. Now write down all the things you spend your time on. Yes, ALL of them, even the nitty gritty.

  3. What do you see? Do you see time scrolling through social media? Do you see empty moments that aren’t being taken advantage of ( time in the car that could be used for quality parenting conversations or empowering podcasts), what about “check out” time- plopping on the couch for 15 minutes when you get home (yes rest is necessary but be honest with yourself on what is pure). What is soul sucking your time?!

  4. Put a star by each one that you feel lines up with your values, your faith, and what you feel is God centered.

  5. What is left? How much time is that adding up to? A few minutes here and there every day can add up to be A LOT.

For example: Let’s say you blow just 5 minutes a day every day looking at social media. That 5 minutes over the week = 35 minutes. That 35 minutes could be used towards God’s work and balance within yourself.

  • 5 minutes of scripture reading and writing it down,

  • 5 minutes on reflection,

  • 15 minute power walk,

  • 5 minutes of basic strength work,

  • 5 minutes of mobility.

NOW LOOK AT THAT! You just put your Armor of God on for the day, hit recommended physical fitness guidelines, and I’d bet, brought about a sense of pride to your day with a little extra energy.

P.S…. Obedience is not easy. Obedience is the proof of our faith in God.

  • Now keep in mind, there are a select few who do night school, are single parents, work 3 jobs and TRULY do not have time or energy in this season of life.

So there is one day with a check mark just by cutting back on “dead time” spent on social media. Can you make an effort to scrape up 5 more minutes elsewhere each day to combine it to create another space for God, your health, your happiness? Shoot for 3 solid days of this to begin! So that is finding just 15 minutes every day that you blow on “empty soul sources.”

HOW else do we shed this so-called “FEAR” of everything…

By putting ourselves INTO the scriptures!

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I will not fear, God is with me, I will not be dismayed, because God is God. He will strengthen me and help me, he will uphold me with his righteous right hand.

MEMORIZE THAT!!!! USE IT! Especially when you are feeling troubled or any of the above! It will keep you from living in this state of “comfort zone” , this state of “Fear Of” and minimize your anxieties because you will be reminded that God is in control and you can give him anything.

That is HOW you can grow in your faith, your mindset, your health! You can also join the SheRUGGED EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM to best help you structure your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly schedule to include

  • A 1 year online faith, fitness, and friendship program for women

  • Program is 1 full year semi-personalized to fit their schedule, their fitness needs (strength, cardio, mobility, physical therapy exercises as needed) , and also includes group bible studies, basic yearly bible reading plan, plant Focused (meat options) nutrition plan.

  • Detailed Comprehensive Evaluation for walking or running (with provided exercises, drills and care needed to reduce the imbalances).

  • They will be invited to our “Not so Gala” event.

  • There will be open hikes, podcasts, and other activities to participate in.


  • Why the set year: follow along with themes, studies, etc..

  • Why the set year: encouraging commitment and consistency,

  • Why the set year: action, accountability and involvement on the clients part in order to reach optimal growth and results

  • Why for the client: Growth in community, friendships, sisterhood

  • Why for the client: Grow their relationship with God, his word, and taking action

  • Why for the client: Grow themselves and their knowledge in health and fitness including confidence, pelvic floor function, nutrition, balance, inner critic awareness, and more!

  • TRANSFORM, make a lasting change, “Forget past mistakes, forget perfectionism, forget failure, give it to God….

  • Ephesians 4:22-24 “to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Gift Certificates are available!!! email:

Get the Gear for the New YEAR!!!

We are now offering a quarterly payment option for our EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM!!! There are still some spots available! BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER!!!!


Meet Caitlyn Dunbar- SheRUGGED Ambassador

Evergreen Colorado

Setting goals is a way to ignite hope in myself. In 2019 I decided to train for a half marathon. Running was completely new to me and I knew the value of having a coach for accountability and encouragement. Since then I have set new goals and competed in many races I never thought I’d be able to do.

The process of training for these goals allows me to be active outdoors which makes me feel connected to something bigger than myself.

I feel the most comfortable when I’m in movement. I trust that my body knows what to do and it is a way for me to connect to my power and believe in myself. Although running is my main activity I also love to hike with my dog, cross country ski with my husband, and do group fitness classes. I am fascinated about the science behind how exercise helps us find happiness and connection with others. I hope to make friendships with the group SheRUGGED hikes offered this year!

1. January 8th, Sunday 8am. Beaver Ranch, Conifer CO HIKE(open to every lady!)
2. "Not So GALA"(come as you are healthy foods, fun, and friendships * for empowerment program ladies only) Spring!
3. Podcast Launch!!! January 8th!( open to every lady!)
4. Bible Study January 15th/29th (for empowerment program ladies only)
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